Comparison of Artificial Intelligence to the Veterinary Radiologist's Diagnosis of Canine Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema

Jan 19, 2022


Application of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve clinical diagnosis is a burgeoning field in human and veterinary medicine. The objective of this prospective, diagnostic accuracy study was to determine the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of an AI-based software for diagnosing canine cardiogenic pulmonary edema from thoracic radiographs, using an American College of Veterinary Radiology-certified veterinary radiologist’s interpretation as the reference standard.

  • Five hundred consecutive canine thoracic radiographs made after-hours by a veterinary Emergency Department were retrieved.
  • A total of 481 of 500 cases were technically analyzable.
  • Based on the radiologist’s assessment:
    • 46 (10.4%) of these 481 dogs were diagnosed with cardiogenic pulmonary edema (CPE+).
    • Of these cases, the AI software designated 42 of 46 as CPE+ and four of 46 as cardiogenic pulmonary edema negative (CPE−).
  • Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the AI-based software compared to radiologist diagnosis were:
    • 92.3%, 91.3%, and 92.4%, respectively
    • (positive predictive value, 56%; negative predictive value, 99%).

Findings supported using AI software screening for thoracic radiographs of dogs with suspected cardiogenic pulmonary edema to assist with short-term decision-making when a radiologist is unavailable.


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